Christmas, Holidays

Giving Your Co-Workers A Good Christmas

Our co-workers. We see them at least 5 days a week, have great laughs with them at work and rely on them to cover a shift once in awhile when we can’t make our own. They’re incredibly useful people to know and have around, and the workplace just wouldn’t be the same without them, for both good and bad reasons! So when the Christmas party rolls around, or you’re doing a secret Santa in your office or on the shop floor, we want to make it special for both ourselves and them. Below are a few ideas to get you going on your own workplace festivities.


Bring in Some Baked Goods

It just makes the day run smoother! If you’re headed off to a meeting in a few hours or the next day, try and make some baked goods for your co-workers, to both keep them interested and entertained with good gingerbread and savory pastries. You can also simply share them around during the lunch hour and convince a couple more people to take a break. It also means if someone doesn’t have time to go out and get some food, there’s some there for them to pick up and munch in for the energy they deserve.

They’re easy to throw together when you have some basic ingredients of flour, sugar, eggs, and milk for some cupcake, and a bit of icing sugar to top it off. Similarly, you can buy some freezable puff pastry from the supermarket on your way home and throw it together with some tomato puree and a bit of bacon for a quick snack that’s tasty and cooks in about 15 minutes.

Buy them Some Funky Pieces for Their Desk

When it comes to the office relationships, it can get a little boring to buy a couple of friends the usual pen holder or new stapler, despite them sometimes be a funny thing to get year after year. However, if you want to switch it up a little, try something that has a little more time and use for your money!

You can get them some quality pens, either novelty or fancy, that they can store on their desk to spruce their desk shelves up a bit. You could also get them a good fiddle piece, not exactly like a fidget spinner, but something to take their mind off things for a couple of minutes. For a good place to find some affordable pieces, check out Cuckoolands unique gifts, as the online world has the best options for you to surf. Bonus: It also gives you a more time to yourself compared to having to pick it up from the store!


So there we have it! Having fun at work is the best thing to do for Christmas, and makes a good run up to the Christmas party. Not only does it get a bit more work done due to your good mood, but it gives you a good relaxation period over the festive holiday!

Disclosure: This is a contributed post.


Candid Mama

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