Spin Master has been a top household toy brand during the holidays for years now. I first noticed them once I became a parent. Back when I was a kid, I didn’t care too much about brands. Now that I’m a parent and even a blogger, I take notice of what brands I feel are good for my kids versus brands I feel I need to avoid. Spin Master happens to be a brand I trust and that my kids love.
This year, Spin Master has launched some pretty awesome new products. These products include the Zoomer Show Pony and the Hatchimals Glittering Garden. While these are 2 products that are sure to be a hit this holiday season, some of the products they have carried for years are still big hits with kids of all ages.
Here’s a small taste of what Spin Master offers:
*Hatchimals Glittering Garden*
About The Product: Hatchimals Glittering Garden is the newest hatch batch straight out of Hatchtopia! Who’s inside? It’s a surprise! Each sparkling egg contains one of two interactive Hatchimals with twinkling wings and soft, shimmering fur. Love and care for yours inside the egg and its eyes will light up as it makes cute sounds, telling you how it’s feeling! Once you’ve played with the egg enough, you’ll see rainbow eyes – that means it’s time to hatch! Hatchimals can’t hatch on their own. Your touch encourages them to peck their way out of the egg! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Now you get to raise your glittering Hatchimal through 3 stages, from baby to toddler, to kid. Your Hatchimal sings “Hatchy Birthday” each time it enters a new stage! Teach yours to walk, dance, play games and more! It will even repeat what you say in its own voice! Hatchimals Glittering Garden — Who Will You Hatch?
The Hatchimals Glittering Garden is recommended for ages 5 and up.
My Thoughts: When the original Hatchimals came out last year, it happened to be 1 thing my daughter wanted for Christmas the most. Unfortunately it was really hard to get ahold of one, so she didn’t get her Christmas wish. We did happen to get ahold of one earlier this year and she loved the process of hatching it and even played with it once it hatched for awhile. With the Glittering Garden Hatchimal, I love that they changed up the hatching process from baby, toddler to kid. I love that this product promotes the importance of touch when it comes to caring for something. This product is sure to be a hit and if your children loved the original Hatchimal, they will love this one even more.
To Purchase Hatchimals Glittering Garden: CLICK HERE (Currently $54.88)
*Hatchimals CollEGGtibles*
There also happens to be another product in the Hatchimals line that kids will be sure to love. I know my youngest does. It’s the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles. While they are very small in comparison to the bigger Hatchimals, they still are a ton of fun. My little one likes opening them and find out which goodies she has gotten and has even started her own collection. They offer these in 2 packs, 4 packs and a 12 count carton.
Introducing Hatchimals CollEGGtibles — adorable collectible Hatchimals that come inside small, speckled eggs. Each Hatchimals CollEGGtible needs your help to hatch! Hold the egg in your hands, rub the heart and when it changes from purple to pink, it’s ready to hatch! Press on the egg to crack it and discover which Hatchimal CollEGGtible is inside. Each Hatchimal has glittery wings and belongs to a unique family. Based on the colored speckled egg you can tell which family your Hatchimal belongs to before they hatch. There are over 70 to collect in Season One, even ultra-rare and special edition Hatchimals to find! Tigrettes, Pengualas, Hummingbears — who’s inside? It’s a surprise. You never know who you’ll hatch! Hatchimals CollEGGtibles — Hatch a Whole World!
The Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are recommended for ages 5 and up.
To Purchase Hatchimals CollEGGtibles: 2 Pack — 4 Pack — 12 Count Carton
*Zoomer Show Pony*
About The Product: The new Zoomer Show Pony is a fashionable, interactive pony you can feed, groom, and train to perform different tricks. She moves on her own and has expressive light-up eyes that show you exactly how she feels. Zoomer Show Pony knows when you’re petting her cheeks and nose, and responds with loving pony sounds. She’ll nuzzle into your hand, shake and move her head, and even neigh “I love you.” When you press the heart badge on her chest, she’ll perform tricks, including dancing, singing or doing a figure eight. Zoomer Show Pony comes with four interactive accessories, including an apple, carrot and a sugar cube. Try feeding your pony an interactive apple and she’ll crunch, chomp and munch happily! Use the hairbrush accessory to brush and style her, so she’s ready for the big show!
The Zoomer Show Pony is recommended for ages 5 and up.
My Thoughts: Imagine my surprise as a parent when I hear my 5 year old squeal at tv when the commercial for the Zoomer Show Pony came on. She is really big into ponies, so it’s no surprise. She loves that she can interact with it, pet it, brush its hair and so much more. This product may be hard to find when it comes to holiday shopping this season, so snatch it up while you can.
To Purchase Zoomer Show Pony: CLICK HERE (Currently $69.99)
*Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Hatchy Matchy Game*
About The Product: Do you have an EGG-straordinary memory? Put your skills to the test with Hatchy Matchy! Hide illustrations of your favorite Hatchimals and two exclusive CollEGGtibles of Tigrette and Raspoon inside 24 plastic eggs. Mix them all up and lay the eggs on a flat surface. Now the fun begins! Take turns opening each one to find pairs of matching Hatchimals! If you open an egg and find a CollEGGtible, you get to open an additional egg on your next turn! The first person to find the most pairs wins! To up the ante, head to Hatchimals.com and play using EGG-vanced rules! Happy hatching!
The Hatchimals Hatchy Matchy Game is recommend for ages 3 and older and requires 2 players or more.
My Thoughts: This game is absolutely adorable! One type of game I love playing with my kids is memory. They love playing too as it exercises their brains and it helps them focus and learn. Instead of using boring old cards, this game uses actual CollEGGtibles. So awesome!
To Purchase Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Hatchy Matchy Game: CLICK HERE (Currently $14.99)
About The Product: Play Hedbanz, the quick question game of “What am I?” Ask “yes” or “no” questions to figure out if the cartoon on your head is an animal, food or man-made object. Be the first player to guess what you are and win! Hedbanz – the game where everybody knows but you!
Hedbanz is recommended for ages 7 and older.
My Thoughts: This game is definitely interesting! It can result in a lot of laughs which I love. Some of the guesses can be so outrageous that it’s hilarious. Definitely a game that will bring kids and even the family together. I recommend it!
To Purchase Hedbanz: CLICK HERE (Currently $11.84)
Spin Master offers a variety of other different products as well. These are just 4 of the top items I personally recommend this holiday season. So be sure to check out their site and even their social media pages.
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Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a small portion of any purchases made through links on this post to help support my blog. I received all of the Spin Master products mentioned above free of charge in exchange for a Holiday Gift Guide feature. I received NO financial compensation other than the products for the feature. This disclosure is in accordance with Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. If you would like a review done, contact Carla at candidmamablog@gmail.com.