WOW Mom This Year For Mother’s Day With A Gorgeous Bouquet From #Teleflora @Teleflora #LoveOutLoud
This Mother’s Day, celebrate the unique emotional bond you share with mom by gifting her a beautiful bouquet from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral gifting service. Today, the company announced its new Mother’s Day bouquet lineup with spectacular options for every mom, always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist. On this day dedicated to mom, express your authentic feelings and make her feel special with a grand gesture that she will treasure for years to come.
TELEFLORA’S NEW MOTHER’S DAY FLORAL BOUQUET LINEUP INCLUDES: (All Mother’s Day bouquets will be available for sale on beginning April 12, 2019, in standard, premium or deluxe size options.)
Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Treat mom like royalty and lavish her with a glorious bouquet filled with fresh pink roses, white lilies and a variety of purple blooms. Perfectly arranged in a stylish hand-glazed ceramic vase, this eye-catching gift will delight her far beyond this special day. (Available for $59.99)
Monarch Garden Bouquet
Celebrate mom’s unconditional love with this charming floral arrangement bursting with soft pink roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums nestled in a hand glazed ceramic planter. Whether mom enjoys spending quiet time in the garden or relaxing at the spa, this two-in-one gift will make her heart soar. (Available for $59.99)
Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Surprise mom with this gorgeous bouquet overflowing with lush roses, red chrysanthemums, and pink Alstroemeria. Delivered in a vintage-inspired, hand-glazed watering pitcher that doubles as a quaint garden accessory, this floral selection is perfect for the mom with a green thumb or an eye for interior decorating. (Available for $49.99)
Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Put mom in the spotlight with this glamorous floral arrangement. Vibrant flowers expertly gathered inside of a bold, shimmering vase with a sleek design and alluring lavender shade will undoubtedly make this a gift to remember. (Available for $39.99)
Glass Treasure Bouquet
Show mom your unwavering love and appreciation with this exquisite work of art brimming with fragrant pink lilies, purple roses, and chrysanthemums. This exclusive arrangement arrives in a one of a kind blown vase with whimsical iridescent shades of turquoise that give each piece a truly unique and personal touch. (Available for $94.99)
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Need a last minute Mothers Day gift? Consider a gorgeous bouquet from @teleflora. This one in particular is a recent addition for Mothers Day: the Monarch Garden Bouquet. Pictures just don’t do it justice. Be sure to check out all the other bouquets Teleflora offers. There is sure to be something your Mom will love.?????? . #teleflora #mothersday #mothersday2019 #bouquet #bouquets #lily #pinklily #flowers #lastminute #lastminutegifts #lastminutegiftideas
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Candid Mama received a complimentary bouquet in exchange for this post.