Summertime has arrived and with it the most beautiful weather of the year: sky-high suns, cloudless, blue skies, and warm, balmy breezes. Who wouldn’t want to be outside all the time? More importantly, you want to soak up some Vitamin D, but a beach vacation isn’t in the budget this year. What to do?
The good news is you don’t have to break the bank over family vacations so that you can get you and yours up and out of the house. Often, some of the best summertime activities are floating right under your nose; the trick is knowing where to look. If you’re aiming for a low-budget summer but still want to create some fresh new memories with your family, read on to learn about some of our favorite inexpensive family activities for summer.
Get gardening
Early summer is the perfect time to plant some vegetable seeds. Not only can you teach your kids a valuable lesson about healthy eating and sustainable living, but you can also grow some of your own (very) local produce. Not to mention, the kids will take a shine to digging around in the dirt. The best part is you don’t need a flat, sprawling yard to realize your victory garden dreams; even a small vessel like a mason jar or wooden crate is enough to get you started. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as eating the actual fruits of your labor, so let your family in on this fun.
Go camping
Camping is another inexpensive summer fun staple. While you can load up on high-tech camping gear if it’s in your budget, you can make do with a standard tent and a few sleeping bags. Just don’t forget sunscreen, bug spray, a first-aid kit, and toilet paper! One more thing: watch out for skunks! You should get more information on how to avoid getting sprayed by skunks before you head off.
If your kids or partner are heavy tablet users, camping can be a great way to unplug and reconnect with what matters. Plus, time spent active in the sun does nothing but good for the body and mind. All of these factors working together are guaranteed to bring your family closer.
Have a bonfire
There’s nothing like ending a full summer day around a blazing bonfire. You can build a fire pit for pretty cheap if you have a relatively flat backyard. All you’ll need is firewood and either stones, wood slats, or bricks to build an encasing for the fire pit. Bonfires are great for relaxed socializing, so invite your friends over for a couple of beers and s’mores. Many of the best summer nights are spent talking late until the wee hours of the morning. You can create some unforgettable summer memories with your family and friends around a bonfire.
Hopefully, I’ve got your imagination going about how you can have summer fun on a budget with your loved ones. As always, thanks for reading and have a happy, safe, and healthy summer.