A mom wears many hats; taxi driver, therapist, teacher, housemaid, laundry expert, the connoisseur of the iron, timekeeper, doctor and just about everything else you can think of that allows a family to operate in a semi-smooth way. But there is one role that trumps all others, and that is their tri-daily duty as a five-star chef, something that becomes a real test during a blackout.
It’s winter. The three-day power outage could descend on your neighborhood at any moment and you’ll be forced to find a way to feed your family. So, before you wrap up and trudge to the much-depleted grocery store a three-mile walk away, here are some tips to ensure you thrive and not just survive.
Take Stock Sooner Rather Than Later…
The first thing you have got to do is rummage through your freezer, fridge, and cupboards and make a note of what’s in them. The reason is, well, you’ll be able to see what needs eating first so that nothing goes to waste (dairy, meat, eggs etc.), while simultaneously making a plan for your longer-lasting foods, by which we mean finding recipes that will reduce any chance of leftovers. You’ll be amazed at how far a can of beans and some rice can go.
Continue On As Normal With This Device…
The easiest way to transition from mom to blackout mom is to visit this website and get yourself the best portable generator you can find. It won’t power your entire house, but a gallon of fuel could see you power up your fridge, freezer, oven, microwave and coffee pot for eight hours without any glitches. You may not need it for an outage that lasts an hour or so, but for a three-dayer, wow, this thing can be a lifesaver on all fronts, not least of all with the kitchen.
Arm Yourself With Disposable Options…
Staying in a chipper mood is hugely important during a crisis, but you’ll find nothing is going to break your morale quicker than a sink for of dirty plates you can’t keep on top of. That’s why you should chuck a load of paper plates, plastic forks, aluminum cooking trays and garbage bags into your trolley when you next go grocery shopping. These things will give you a huge boost of happiness when times get tough. A stress-free home is a happy home.
A Pack of Matches And A Propane Tank…
Don’t worry, we’re not telling you to get your overcoat on and wade into the outside world in order to use your barbecue grill as a makeshift cooker. However, a lot of the time, your power may well remain affected long after the storm has passed. That’s when getting your grill on may become a great source of kitchen help, not to mention a great way to see some smiles around the dinner table again. You don’t just have to do meat on a grill. With some foil, you can wrap and cook almost anything, and you can boil water on a grill too, which makes your menu of possibilities endless.
Disclosure: This is a contributed post.