
How To Help Your Children Cope With a Big Move

Moving is already a challenging process for most people. Adding kids into the mix can make managing the logistics even more difficult. The task of informing them, guiding their emotions, and helping them adjust is no small feat—here is how to help your children cope with a big move.

Tell Your Child Months in Advance

It’s essential not to spring the news of relocating on your child unexpectedly. You should tell them about the move months in advance. This approach gives them ample time to process the forthcoming changes. It also provides space for conversations about why you’re moving and what they can expect.

Let Them Sort Through Their Feelings

Understand that your child will have a myriad of emotions about the move. They might feel excited one day and upset the next. Instead of brushing these feelings aside, encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings. Doing so will aid them in sorting through their emotions, providing an avenue for open dialogue and mutual understanding.

Give Them Some Ownership of the Moving Process

Involving your child in the moving process can make a world of difference. Whether it’s picking a city to live in, choosing their new room, or deciding which toys to pack, giving them a sense of ownership can help them feel more secure about the move. It can also make the transition feel like a shared family adventure rather than a forced change.

Validate the Loss of the Old Home

Recognizing the loss your child may feel about leaving their old home is important. It’s normal for them to mourn the familiarity and comfort of their previous environment. Instead of dismissing their feelings, validate them. Assure your child that it’s okay to miss their old home while reminding them of the exciting memories they’ll create in the new one.

Help Them Cultivate Familiarity in the New Home

Once you’ve moved into your new home, help your child cultivate a sense of familiarity. Creating this feeling could involve setting up their room first or maintaining old routines in the new setting. Doing so will help you provide a sense of continuity that can help ease their transition and make the new house feel like home.

Helping your children cope with a big move involves open communication, emotional support, and careful planning. Every child may react differently to the move, but the key is to stay patient, empathetic, and supportive throughout the process. With time and understanding, you can turn the big move into a positive experience for your children.


Candid Mama

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