
5 Things To Consider When Replacing Your Roof

One of the worst home improvement jobs out there concerns the roof of the house. You have to climb ladders, clear guttering, check for broken shingles: there’s a lot to do and it’s not the most fun work to be involved in. So many DIY shows out there rarely show the work that goes into maintaining a roof and it’s for good reason – they’re not as fun to work on as people think!

Unless you’re up on the roof often enough, you’re not going to notice if things aren’t looking so sharp. It’s not going to be until the thunderstorms loosen the tiles and cause a huge leak that you’re going to consider metal roofing to replace it. It won’t be until you have severe drainage backup that you notice the gutters are overflowing and really need your attention.

Changing your roof is important, and if you need to make upgrades to your roof, we’ve got five suggestions so that you can get the roof repair job done right this time!

Upgrade The Chimney Cap To Your Roof

Metal caps on chimneys have been the norm for several years, but airtight ones are going to do so much more than keep the rain and the birds out. Airtight caps keep the heat in your house and help you to save a ton of energy, too. When you aren’t using your fireplace, you can use warm air from inside the house to keep you comfortable. Without an airtight cap, the air soaring through the chimney is going to be cold. Your roofing company in Thornton, Colorado, or wherever you are located should be able to install an airtight cap and make a huge difference to the heat and energy use in your home. You only need to pull a steel cable to have the cap pop up to use the chimney, and then tug it again to close the chimney top.

Invest In Eave Flashing

If you’re good with keeping your gutters clean, you may not need this. However, the damage that occurs from ice dams on the roof means that next time, you should invest a little more cash in the races. The right flashing will ensure that you don’t end up with huge leaks. The membrane that is applied before you shingle the roof will self-seal around the fasteners, and this will be watertight and better for your home.


Upgrading your ventilation is important, and as the attic can be furnace-like in its temperatures, you need as much ventilation as possible. Air must remain circulating through your home, and the best way to do that is to upgrade the ventilation in your home and keep the cool and the warm air moving through the house rather than trapped at the top.

The Right Material

Shingles are great for roofs, but if you want to weatherproof your home, metal roofing is a standout option you could pick. It works better on both the cold and the hot days, and it’s water-resistant even in the storms. Alternatively, you could hire a Silicone Roof Coating Contractor to add a protective barrier to your roof, providing defense against weather damage and prolonging its lifespan. You need your roofing to be energy-efficient, and you should consider what you want for your home. Cool in summer and warm in winter will be easier to achieve with the right roof material.

Redo the Gutters

Low-maintenance gutters are a must when you want to upgrade the roof. Your older gutters need to be scrapped and you can upgrade to new shapes, new materials, and more.


Candid Mama

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