Your alarm buzzes, pulling you from a deep, dreamless sleep– and immediately, the tiredness hits. You have not even begun your day, and already you feel exhausted, right down in your bones.
If you have experienced the above sensation on more than one occasion, then you have probably already examined your life for the cause. You’ve run through all of the usual solutions, such as:
- You have considered your sleep hygiene and taken the steps you need to take to improve it.
- You have tried not using your mobile phone or watching TV for a half hour before going to bed, in case the blue light that these devices emit interferes with your sleep.
- You have looked into the best sleep positions and have tried to persuade yourself to sleep in the position you believe to be most conducive to a good night’s rest.
- You have examined your bed and mattress, perhaps even replacing them, to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.
- You ensure you’re going to bed at the right time, and you know you’re getting enough sleep to feel rested…
… and yet, you’re still waking up tired.
There’s no doubt this experience is incredibly frustrating, and it’s only natural that you want to find answers. While waking up tired is an issue that occurs to all of us on occasion, if it becomes a chronic problem, you may want to examine your overall health to try and determine the cause. To try and assist you with this task, here are a few ailments that you might want to raise with your doctor.
#1 – Sleep Apnea
By far the most common reason for waking up tired, it is estimated that around 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea— many of whom are undiagnosed.
Sleep apnea is a condition that means your breathing becomes obstructed while you sleep. Your brain then sends a signal that wakes you up, usually to shift position so that your breathing is no longer obstructed. This can happen up to 20 times per night, but as you only wake momentarily, you forget what happened the next morning. Nevertheless, your sleep has been disturbed, meaning that you wake up feeling tired and groggy despite having slept for hours.
Sleep apnea is diagnosed by a sleep study, and can be treated, with high levels of success.
#2 – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition where the sufferer never seems to be able to get the rest their body needs, so waking up tired is a very common aspect of the condition. Read through the other symptoms and see if any fit your experience. If you find a few positives, then it’s worth discussing the matter with your doctor.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is difficult to treat, but many sufferers manage to arrange their lives around the condition. Your doctor will have further advice on this.
#3 – Stress
The idea of your mental health affecting your ability to wake up feeling rested might sound odd, but it’s scientifically accepted; stress plays havoc with your sleep patterns. One of the most pernicious issues that stress causes is that it deprives an individual of their ability to even notice they are stressed.
There are a few stress tests online; it’s worth taking these, and if you get a positive result, contact your doctor. Stress can usually be managed with therapy and lifestyle changes.
Remember: Even if you do have any of these conditions, they can all be treated and managed. If you’re waking up feeling tired, you only stand to benefit from determining the reason why this is happening. Good luck.
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