Children, Family, Parenting

Want Another Child? Make Sure It’s The Right Choice

It’s never easy deciding to have a child. However, contrary to what most people think, it’s not usually the first child that most people have difficulty getting their heads around. It’s the second child, and then any subsequent children after that. The reason is simple: when it’s your first, you’re ready for a big lifestyle change. When it’s your second, the changes are much more subtle or at least perceived to be that way. Below, we take a look at a few of the things you’ll need to consider before bringing another bundle of joy into your life.


Lifestyle Choices

You fall into a routine when you have a child, and in most cases, you don’t even realize it. No matter how many children you have, you’ll have developed a way of operating that ensures that the needs of everyone in the family have been met. When you introduce another child into that routine, it goes without saying that it won’t be able to carry on as normal. Before agreeing to have another baby, think about what aspects of your current lifestyle will have to adapt – or be given up altogether.

The Right Age Gap

You have to consider how a new child will affect any children that you have. Children are remarkably resilient, and eventually, they’ll get used to any circumstances they find themselves in, but it might be a tough process before they reach that point. It’s important to keep in mind what the age gap between your existing children and your new child would be. There is no right age, really; it’s whatever works for you. However, special attention must be paid if there’s going to be a substantial age difference between siblings, say eight years or more.

Family Home

You’ll have already created a home that works for your family. Now that you’re thinking of having another baby, you’ll need to think if your current property is going to be suitable moving forward. If you have a home that’s the perfect size for your current clan, you’ll need to think about buying a new property. Doing this, of course, will depend on your financial situation. Take a look at and see what properties are available; it’ll give you a clearer understanding of what size property your budget can afford. Beyond just sleeping arrangements, you’ll have to make sure your property is suitable for numerous children running and playing!

Looking at the Future

You can get wrapped up in the idea of having another child, but before you get too stuck on the idea, have a think about what you’ll want in the future. Having another child will have a huge effect on your finances, free time, and future commitments, and that’ll mean some plans will have to be scrapped from the ‘bucket list’. If you can live without them, then all good; if you can’t, it might be time to rethink.


In the end, once the above has been weighed up, you’ll need to look within and determine if it’s really right for you. Best of luck!

Disclosure: This is a contributed post.


Candid Mama

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