
Tips To Reduce Your Stress

The world zooms by in a blink of an eye and before you know it, you are behind on deadlines, left with a full email inbox, and you are struggling to catch up on work, while still maintaining your social life. It’s a constant struggle filled with stress for a lot of people nowadays, unfortunately. There are many ways to deal with your stress in a healthy way and I wanted to share a few of those ways to reduce your stress load.

But, before we start, let me just say that I think that finding your purpose and loving what you do is the #1 hack to making your life less stressful. If you love what you do, it is easier to go to work, it is easier to go “through the motions” of a tedious day (whether it is cleaning, working, running errands, etc.), and it will just make you a happier person, in general, which is extremely important. To find what you love, you also have to know your worth. Knowing your worth helps make sure that you do not allow yourself to settle for something that you do not necessarily love.

While finding your purpose and knowing your worth are two fantastic hacks that will definitely help reduce stress and improve the quality of your life, I wanted to give you a few more tips to reduce your stress, to ensure that you are living your life to the fullest potential, with limited stress. Here are the rest of my hacks to make your life less stressful:

Make a list each day

Stress builds when you are under a lot of pressure and if you are struggling with keeping up with your daily life and work, I highly suggest making a to-do list each day, or each week. This will not only help you reduce stress, but it will also help you feel more organized, it will give you a goal to work towards, and you will feel rewarded after a long day of tasks when you are able to check them off your list and physically see what you accomplished.

Say “no”

If there is something you do not want to do, don’t do it. Simply say “no.” I know that is hard, but is it worth the stress that it could potentially add? Although it might be hard at first, you will feel so much more free and happy once you start following your heart and doing only the things that you actually want to do.

Take a digital detox

As much as I love social media and the internet, it can be very harmful and negative to our lives. We compare with others, we ignore those around us, and we spend way too much time scrolling through Instagram feeds, watching others ‘live their lives.’ Taking a digital detox will do so much good for your stress, your relationships, and your mindset.

Use essential oils/CBD

My essential oil mixes have definitely been helping with my sleep lately and getting enough sleep is essential for lowering my stress levels. Try making DIY oil concoctions, which are more than likely healthier too, in order to improve the quality of your sleep, unwind, and wake up refreshed, ready to start the next day off on the right foot!

CBD and Delta-8 THC products are another option to help reduce stress levels. If you’re interested in THC, and it’s legal where you are, then Area 52 offers several products for you to choose from that may help you out when it comes to stress management. One product that has been appearing on dispensary shelves and causing quite a sensation recently is purple strains of cannabis. Though purple weed is likely going to be good due to the expertise needed to get the cannabis plant to express its full potential for purple-ness, it is still best to check for vibrant color and abundant trichomes.

Shake it off

Take it from Taylor Swift and literally shake it off by practicing your dance moves! Dance has so many benefits, in general, but when it comes to your stress, it can dramatically help you reduce it. Letting loose and allowing yourself to express yourself through dance decreases the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression, and can also help boost your self-esteem, as well. Dance can also be a social activity, which can help with your social needs. Plus, it also helps with your cognitive performance by challenging your brain. Honestly, I could go on and on about the overall benefits that dance can give you – mentally and physically.

USA Ballroom, located in Red Bank is New Jersey’s premier ballroom and Latin dance studio. While their instructors are classically trained (so you will learn a lot!), they also focus on having fun. They say that they do not take dance so seriously as to turn it into a job. Instead, they view dance and movement as an artistic expression of life, and the beautify and grace personified by the human body in motion. USA Ballroom is a dance studio that offers lessons and socials to help get you in the groove while reducing your stress and improving your mood. They teach several styles of dance, so you will find what you are looking for no matter if you want to learn about ballroom dancing, Latin dancing, or even if you want to learn how to swing dance. The owners, “Brian and TJ, are committed to helping all of their students fall in love with dance, either recreationally or competitively. The staff at USA Ballroom is very grateful for the thousands of happy clients over the years and the wonderful reviews they give us!”


There you have it – a few tips and hacks to help make your life less stressful! Do you have any other hacks that you would add in?


Candid Mama

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