Picture the scene. You’ve been invited to a party by someone that you don’t know too well. Of course, you want to arrive with a gift, but it can be difficult to find a present in this kind of situations. From a schoolmate of your child to a colleague, it’s always tricky to find the right present. It’s important to pick something that shows that you care, even though you may not be very close. Nobody wants to arrive at a party with a last-minute bought item that has been carelessly wrapped on the way over in the car! So what should you best pick to surprise your host?
Jams are the ideal gift for people you don’t know well
Sure, personal is better
If you’re the kind of person who is always trying to make personal and meaningful presents to their loved ones, it’s essential that you keep the personal touch even for those you don’t know too well. After all, a personal gift is a gift that shows inspiration and appreciation. You want the person who unwraps the present to know that you’ve been putting some care into the choice of item. Why you may not be able to give them something precious as you would with close relatives, nothing stops you from finding something unique!
Kids and teens
If you’re invited to a kid’s party, you can find inspiration for the invitation card to prepare your gift. Is it a themed party? Why not use a visual of the theme and create an exciting T-Shirt printing gift? It may not be as valuable as a bicycle or a video game, but it’s certainly the kind of gifts that show you’ve done your homework. You can pin a photo of their school year instead if there’s no theme to the invitation. Or if you happen to know their favorite film or location, this works too on a t-shirt!
For your neighbors and distant relatives
If you’re just invited to your neighbors’ or to see a distant relative you don’t visit often, the best option is to give consumables. It doesn’t mean that you should arrive with a pack of Oreo and hope for the best, though. But you can give them a jar of your homemade jam, especially if you can personalize the label to their name. After all, Susan doesn’t need to know that Susan’s jam tastes the same than the jam you’ve got in your kitchen. What matters is that you make it look as if it’s been made especially for her.
For colleagues
Finally, if you have to make a gift to a colleague, you know that you might have to stick to professional and workplace-friendly presents. But that doesn’t mean it should be dull too. You can prepare a fun-looking pen and cardholder with wood for their desk if you’ve got DIY skills. You can also find affordable and pre-made pen holders in most shops. Simply paint it in friendly colors to add a personal touch, and don’t forget to write their name on it.
Hopefully, this little list can help you to keep it personal even for people you don’t know well.
Disclosure: This is a contributed post.