Beauty, Goals

New Year, New Hair


Whenever you enter into a new year, do you always feel like you need to make a bit of a change? If you do, then you’re not the only one. Because there’s definitely something about the start of a new year that makes you want to shake things up a bit. For some it will be a new job, for others, it will be a new health regime, but for you, maybe it a new style of grooming? Because a change of hair can often be all it takes to make you feel brand new. But what should you go for? Let’s take a look at five ways you can shake up your hair for the new year.

Try A New Style

First of all, you may want to go with an entirely new style altogether. When you’ve had the same hairstyle for a long time, you just need to shake things up to feel like you’re a brand new you. Maybe you want to change the cut you have slightly or even completely drastically? You should definitely speak to your stylist to see what will suit you best. Maybe you even want to perm your straight locks or straighten your curly ones? Either way, your stylist can recommend the best new look for you.

Opt For Some Color

Another great idea is to work with some color. Maybe you’ve never really used color on your hair before and you don’t really know what will suit you? Again, you are going to want to get your stylist’s advice, but you might want to get some inspiration first from somewhere such as You can go big with your color if you really want, you just need to find the right look.

Cut Back

Or maybe you just want to do something simple and easy? When that’s the case, you’re definitely going to want to consider cutting back. Because sometimes, shaving it all off to a super short level, or even trimming your longer locks to something shorter is exactly the kind of thing that will give you the new look you want.

Add More

But what do you do if you’re actually losing hair? And this can be a real possibility for a lot of people. And male hair loss isn’t always something that everyone is happy to talk about. But maybe this is the year that you do something about it? When that’s the case, you need to speak to an expert about neograft hair transplantation to see what your options are. Because you could find that this is the one step that completely changes how you feel about your hair.

Focus On The Facial Hair

And finally, you may also want to do something with your facial hair here too. Perhaps this is going to be the one thing that gives you the new look that you’ve been hoping for. Whether you choose to grow a beard or even cut yours back, you’ll often find that getting yourself a new look with facial hair can transform your look altogether.


Candid Mama


  1. Trying Something New with Your Look This Year - Candid Mama
    January 4, 2018 at 11:43 am

    […] The new year is a great excuse for a new hairstyle, so start changing, growing and tending to your hair now! A complete change in your style will undoubtedly be met with a chorus of ‘have you done something to your hair?’, and is there any better reaction than that when you change your style so severely? And, by growing and tending to your hair and getting it to a state where it is looking as full as it has done in years you, yourself, will automatically look healthier than you have done in recent times, too, and that too is the perfect result from a complete change in look and style. […]

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