
How to Declutter Your Home in 5 Simple Steps

When it comes to decluttering your home, many people feel overwhelmed. This is because there are so many different ways to go about it, and it can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! This blog post will give you five simple steps to help you get started decluttering your home. Follow these steps, and you will be on your way to having a clutter-free space in no time!


1) Start with one room at a time

Trying to declutter your entire house all at once can be overwhelming and will likely lead to you feeling discouraged. Instead, start small by picking one room to focus on. Once you have decluttered that space, move on to the next room until your whole house is clutter-free!

In order to make the process as painless as possible, it is essential to remain with just one room until it is completed. Picking a smaller space will help you stay motivated and focused while you work. Make sure to get in-touch with services like Temporary Dumpster, or others like them, so you can ensure that any waste removal is done efficiently.

2) Create three piles

You will quickly realize that you cannot keep everything as you start decluttering. This is where creating three piles comes in handy. The first pile should be for items that you are going to keep. The second pile is for items that you are going to donate or sell, and the third pile is for things you will throw away.

Creating these three piles will help make the decision-making process easier and less daunting. Once you have sorted through all of your belongings and put them into their respective piles, it is time to move on to the next step!

3) Donate or sell items from your “sell/donate” pile

Now that you have sorted through all of your belongings and put them into their respective piles, it is time to donate or sell the items from your “sell/donate” pile. If you are having a hard time letting go of some of these items, remember that someone else may be able to get use out of them!

Donating or selling these items will also help you declutter your home and make some extra money in the process!

4) Get rid of items from your “throwaway” pile

The next step is to get rid of all of the items from your “throwaway” pile. This can be done by either recycling them or throwing them away. If you are having difficulty getting rid of some of these items, remember that they are taking up valuable space in your home! Recycle or throw away these items by hiring Junk Haulers to help you declutter your home and make it a more enjoyable place to live!

5) Put away items from your “keep” pile

The last step is to put away all of the items from your “keep” pile. This can be done by either putting them back in their original spot or finding a new place for them. Once you have put away all of your belongings, take a step back and admire your clean and clutter-free home!


Following these five simple steps will help you declutter your home in no time!


Candid Mama

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