
Fresh Kitchen Trends With Ventilation At Heart

Given that it’s the heart of the home, the chances are that you often dream about creating the perfect family kitchen. Ahh, imagine how relaxing it would be to sit chatting around the table, or even leaning merrily over the breakfast bar to catch up every morning.

It’s the dream, alright, but it’s one which likely seems out of reach if your kitchen is poorly ventilated. Instead of creating a welcoming space, this setback alone can lead to unpleasant odors, damp, and a generally stuffy kitchen feel that keeps the family away unless they have no option. Worse, your decor efforts will be next to useless for tackling the issue.

Unless, of course, you think about decor alterations that could improve ventilation, as well as kitchen appearance. In reality, there are plenty of design trends out there that could see you on the cutting edge of kitchen style while cutting back on poor ventilation at the same time. And, we’re going to consider them here. 

An oven on an outside wall

If your oven isn’t on an outside wall right now, the chances are that you only have a recirculation ventilation hood. Sadly, while better than nothing, options like these aren’t exactly best for keeping kitchen air fresh. After all, these simply remove odors before releasing that cooking condensation straight back into your kitchen. By comparison, moving your oven towards an outside wall where possible would allow you to install a ventilator that instead drew musty cooking air right outside. Even better, you may find that making this move means bringing your oven into the kitchen limelight, a step that many professional chefs would urge you to take to create the best kitchen possible.

Sliding doors


Sliding glass doors like those available from Advanced Window Products are a positive addition to any room in the house, bringing as they do untold light and fantastic views. Where your kitchen is concerned, though, additions like this can also work wonders for clearing out air after even intensive meals. After all, you could just open those doors up as you’re cooking and let steam, etc. float right on outside. All while listening to the beautiful cooking soundtrack of birds, or your kids playing happily in the garden.

Open plan layouts

Open plan layouts are a pretty standard feature of modern home designs, and this technique could also work wonders for improving kitchen ventilation at last. The whole idea of an open plan is, after all, to open things up and remove walls where possible. And, you might find that replacing at least two of your kitchen boundary walls with free-standing countertops keeps air moving, and makes for the kitchen of your family home dreams at last. 

A final word

To some extent, smells and steam in the kitchen are inevitable, but there are plenty of stylish design choices that you can help to reduce their damage. And, when you manage that, your kitchen should become the hub of the home in no time.


Candid Mama

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