Decor, Home, Tips

6 Ways to Make Your Home More Welcoming

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Everyone likes being made welcome, and if it is your own home, this is especially important. As well as being inviting to you, it should also be a place where your guests feel immediately comfortable and at ease. There are plenty of easy ways of doing this which we are going to be talking about right here. So, let’s get to work!

Start with the Entrance

The first thing that you want to do is to get the entrance right as this sets the tone straight away. You can do several things to create a great first impression. The lighting and decoration should be the initial things that you focus on. A welcome mat is a good starting point, followed by a succession of rugs which lead into the main home. A nice piece of art or mirror are both good options for decoration.

Mood Lighting

You may think that mood lighting is just about romance, but there is actually a lot more to it than that. Rather than just having one lighting source, you should aim to have multiple different options. As well as this, you can also make the adjustable. This way, you have maximum control to set the lighting exactly as you would like it.

Cozy Texture

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A sense of coziness is important in your home, particularly during the winter months. So, when it comes to texture, consider the things you would like to touch. Fluffy carpets and furnishings are an obvious choice, but you may also like some smooth wooden furniture and textured wallpaper. Layer up on the pillows and blankets of varying shapes and sizes and you are bound to create an inviting environment.

Intimate Seating

You want your house to be an open space for communication and interaction, and the seating should reflect this. Keep all your seating relatively close together without too many objects that can get in the way. Otherwise, you can create literal and metaphorical distance between your guests.

A Warm Environment

Warmth is one of the most important factors in creating a welcoming environment, and a smart thermostat helps to give you maximum control of your heating system. If you are looking for a total replacement, it is worth looking at your gas water heater options. The other way that you can create a sense of warmth is with your color scheme. Tones such as peach-orange, brown and red can really make a space seem more inviting.

The Power of Smell

Your sense of smell is a powerful one for evoking different feelings, so you can create the feeling you are looking for with things like fresh flowers or baking cookies. Otherwise, scented candles are a great option that will last that little bit longer.


Using a combination of these six different techniques, you should really be able to create a more welcoming ambiance in your home for both you and any guests that you have over to visit.

Disclosure: This is a contributed post.


Candid Mama


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