As parents, we all know that physical activity is vital for our childrens’ health and wellbeing, but with full schedules packed with work, extracurricular activities, homework, and chores, not to mention distractions like video games, streaming sites and social media, it can be difficult to fit physical activity in and convinced the kids to do it regularly.
The good news is, there are some pretty simple things you can do to encourage your kids to be more active, and ensure that they have the time to do so:
Be a Role Model
As a parent, you are the first and most prominent role model in your kid’s life. So, if you can set a good example by taking time to go for a long walk each day, hitting the gym regularly or going for a run at the local track, there is a good chance your kids will follow suit too.
Encourage Them to Try Out Active Extracurriculars
Encouraging your kids to try out the various extracurricular activities available to them from football to yoga will not only ensure that they are moving more, but it will enable them to find the activity that they truly love and which will make exercise seem effortless. Don’t pin them down to one activity and let them try out as many different things as they can and it is so much more likely to stick.
Send Them to an Active Summer Camp
Summer is coming up, so it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the season and the long break from school, to get your kids moving more. Enrolling them in a very active summer camp, like FCB Canada, where they will really get to grips with a sporting activity/exercise and be immersed in it, is a great way to get them really interested in the sport and burning off lots of calories on a regular basis. Encourage them to pursue their dreams and improve their skills in sporting endeavors and there will be no stopping them.
Go for a Walk After Dinner
No matter how busy your schedule is, you probably take a little time out after dinner to let your food digest and to discuss the course of the day with the family. Instead of doing this around the table or on the couch, take it outside and walk around the block as you talk with your kids, They’ll be so engaged in the conversation and enjoying time with you, that they won’t mind or even much realize that they are in fact exercising and doing something without a screen in sight.
Turn the Wi-Fi Off
As a mom, you sometimes have to play the role of the bad guy and this probably comes under that domain, but if you have full control of your Wi-Fi connection, turning it off for at least an hour every evening, or changing the password so your kids can;t get access will encourage them to go outside and play soccer or climb trees or anything that doesn’t involve sitting on the couch chatting with their friends via a device.
How do you get your kids to move more?
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