
5 Ways To Actually Show Appreciation To Employees


Do your employees know you appreciate them? Unless you’ve put some effort into this, there’s a decent chance they don’t. You’ll need to actually show appreciation to employees in a tangible way. Simply making sure they’re paid on time and giving them a ‘thank you’ mightn’t be enough.

Thankfully, you don’t need to put too much time and effort into showing this to see the benefits. It could be much easier and more straightforward than you’d think. Five particular strategies are recommended, as they’ll make your employees happier and more productive, so there isn’t a reason not to put the effort in.

  1. Welcome Their Feedback – Making sure your employees know you’re listening to and understanding them can be the easiest way to show you appreciate them. Put some effort into that while welcoming their feedback. At the same time, it’s worth actually acting on their feedback and implementing it. It’ll end up having much more of an impact than you’d first think.
  2. Give Them Rewards – Rewarding employees is a great way of acknowledging the work your employees do while showing you appreciate it. Go out of your way to do this. It could even be worth setting up an employee recognition program to help with this. Challenge Coins Ltd and similar options can be great places to look for these kinds of rewards. It can be a small reward, but it’ll be more than appreciated.
  3. Celebrate Birthdays & Anniversaries – Employees will go through countless milestones when they’re working with your company, especially long-term. Birthdays and anniversaries are some of the more notable of these. By celebrating these, you can actually show appreciation to employees. You don’t even need to spend too much time on this to have an impact. Even a cake or celebratory lunch can be more than enough for it.
  4. Set Up A Wellness Day – Work/life balance has become increasingly important for many employees. They’ll want to avoid burnout, which is often difficult. By setting up a wellness day, you can avoid that happening. It shows your employees you appreciate the challenges they face while avoiding any potential stress and burnout.
  5. Offer Training Opportunities – Employees like to know they can grow and advance in the company they work with, but they often know they’ll need to develop new skills for that. They often wouldn’t have the time outside of work to do that. By offering training opportunities to high-performing employees, you’ll show your appreciation more than you’d think. You’ll acknowledge their desire to excel at the same time.

Once you actually show appreciation to your employees, you’ll see a host of benefits. They’ll be happier at work and more productive, so there isn’t a reason not to put the effort into it. Thankfully, this is far easier than you could think, and there are multiple ways to go about it.

Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, offering training employees, welcoming their feedback, and similar options all work wonders. You shouldn’t have a problem seeing all the benefits the process offers.


Candid Mama

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