I have been self-employed for over 6 years now. I have had a lot of ups and downs over the years when it comes to my business but thanks to the tips of others and finding awesome websites along the way, I have learned a lot and my business has taken off. I’d love to share several of these websites with you in hopes that it helps you with your online business journey.
Let’s get started, shall we?
CoSchedule has helped me out A LOT. I can’t even begin to describe to you what I mean by A LOT. While I did not know about it right away when starting out my business, I did find it within the first year and it has allowed me to schedule posts ahead of time that go out on my social media outlets. It’s easy to use and makes a world of a difference. I no longer have to sit in front of my laptop all day posting things manually. Definitely, check this one out!
Mostly everyone we know uses Facebook. So why not use it to your benefit? Consider looking into a Facebook ad creative agency. Or if you have a lot of friends, ask them to share a link to your business website or invite friends to check out your businesses’ Facebook page.
While I have not personally used this website, I have heard great things. It allows businesses that sell products to meet the needs of their customers. UserIQ is a customer success software program that brings together user intelligence, targeted engagements, and customer health, so you can learn about your users’ needs and deliver meaningful interactions in real-time.
T1 Payments
When starting an online business, one thing you want to do right away is set up the ability to receive payments. With T1 Payments, they make the onboarding process so simple and easy. Just ask Amber Fairchild. All you need to receive payments is a payment processor, a payment gateway, and a merchant account. A few examples of what Amber Fairchild T1 Payments offers is chargeback prevention, advanced fraud protection, and recurring billing. They even work with high-risk businesses such as adult entertainment, credit repair, online dating, and gaming.
PicMonkey was a software program that I made sure to use in the beginning because they offered a free version. It allowed me to beautify my pictures I post for my business, make collages, add text, you name it. It was what every other person in my business used up until they started charging for it. While it is no longer free, if you spend a lot of time editing pictures, I recommend paying the cost.
There you have it. My list of the 5 best resources out there online for newbies starting an online business. While there are many others, I highly recommend checking out these 5 particular ones. My best advice to anyone starting out a new online business is to not give up. You could end up being the next big business. Thanks for reading! 🙂