Fall, Home

4 Rooms To Make Cozier This Fall

Fall is quickly approaching which means putting away all the summer essentials and bringing out more cozy items to appeal to the changing seasons. From textured bedding to comfortable and oversized pillows, these room ideas are an easy, practical and fun idea to add some comfort and warmth to your home no matter which room you are dealing with or it’s size. What better way to get your home ready for an autumn tan by adding some scented candles, seasonal flowers or big soft blankets? If you’re short on time or looking for a few budget ideas too, don’t worry, there are several ways for you to help your inexpensive shopping too! 

Cozy Bedroom Ideas

One way to make your bedroom a bit more cozier is by pushing it near the window. This may give you more room from when you enter the bedroom and where our bed is to give some space instead of feeling extremely claustrophobic. By pushing a bed close to the window you’re making it seem more comforting and also you’re close to hearing the birds chip nearby when you wake up in the morning. Think of the textures and designs in the bedroom as well. You could even think of it as a little cocoon for your guests or your family members to feel comforting in by adding calming colors such as light blues, beige and soothing purples. In terms of fall, add some red or orange to the mix with some fun prints of either artwork, pillows or a blanket to use. 


Cozy Kitchen Ideas

Layer your kitchen with various season accessories. This means to not go crazy on your counter space with all of the coffee bar essentials but adding a few fall leaves in one area or a few mini pumpkins in another. Think of how to pair your countertops also with these accessories. For instance, visiting my local the other day I was looking at purchasing their Cambria Countertop Options because my kitchen needed a bit of a makeover. There are several colors to choose from such as the Torquay which caught my eye because it’s part of their marble collection. Similar to white Carrara marble, it’s more of a classic color and less dramatic than other styles I’ve seen. With this type of countertop being less of a show stopper, I love being able to accessorize more and add in some color to my kitchen with dark green apples, touches of orange mini pumpkins and sprinkles of red candles in the kitchen. Similar to the picture above, you can even add these colors to make the light blue pop. 


Cozy Family/Living Room Ideas

Besides the kitchen, the family room area is another place we spend the majority of our time so I make sure to add all the oversized fluffy pillows and large blankets for guests and family to enjoy. If you don’t have much room for these bulky blankets, find a ladder to drape them or put them in a nearby basket to grab. Draping them over your couch is an idea too. Lanterns near the fireplace are also a favorite and simple DIY item to make the room cozy. I purchase a few twinkly lights to add in when the weather starts to get darker quicker and turn those on while we watch a movie or just set a comforting tone after a long day of work. 


Cozy Bathroom

This may be a room that many overlook because we rarely spend time in the bathroom but that doesn’t mean you can’t also give it some quick fall touch ideas. Although it may seem a little far fetch, adding a heated towel rack is a great idea for those chilly days ahead. Who wouldn’t want to get out of a bath or shower and already have their towel nicely heated for them to grab? Of course, be sure to put it up high enough so little kids can’t reach it if possible. This touch is a game-changer for some bathrooms! Also adding a bold shower curtain can also spruce up the bathroom nicely, especially when it comes to fall. A pine or cinnamon candle adds the final touch for a cozy bathroom ( but just make sure to blow it out when you leave ).


Now that you’ve read a few ideas on how to make a few essentials rooms cozier this fall, what will you start with first? Adding some new fall pillows to your living room? Finally wanting to go a little bolder in your kitchen with accessories with add some pop of color? What about cinnamon plugins for the bathroom? Whatever it is, I’m sure you and guests will love the fall touches you add to your home! 


Candid Mama

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